Small enough to care and big enough to deliver

by LAUS (BD)

Particle Size Distribution

Why can the determination of the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) be challenging?

The PSD is required for a number of regulatory purposes:

  • granulometry for the REACH dossier of solid substances (OECD 110)
  • REACH substance identity profile (sameness) for Nanomaterials
  • the definition of nanoforms
  • analytical determination of nano materials in genotoxicity or ecotoxicological studies

The smaller the particles are, the more elaborate the techniques have to be. LAUS has equipped a new lab with state-of-the-art technology and trained a highly qualified study director. We have developed a deeper understanding on how to approach the different substance types (e. g. nanomaterials) and how to receive comprehensive results. Sometimes complementary techniques like SEM/TEM, XRD with Rietveld or BET are required to describe a substance in its entity.

Contact us for more information.

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