Auf der Schafweide 20
67489 Kirrweiler
Telefon: +49 6321 96299-0
by LAUS GmbH
Treshold testing for OECD 203
LAUS implements the 3R principle "Replace, Reduce, Refine" by offering Treshold testing for OECD 203 in accordance with OECD GD 126 "SHORT GUIDANCE ON THE THRESHOLD APPROACH FOR ACUTE FISH TOXICITY":
In the interest of animal welfare and efficient use of resources, it is important to avoid the unnecessary
use of animals whenever possible. Fish toxicity is tested at threshold concentration (TC) derived from reliable algae and daphnia toxicity data.
If no mortality occurs, the TC might be used as a surrogate of the LC50 value in the further hazard or risk assessment.