Small enough to care and big enough to deliver




Last Call to file a DUIN! All non-GB manufacturer, formulator, or supplier who want to maintain access to the GB market have time until 27 October 2021. If you have neither a GB subsidiary nor an GB partner to assume the obligations as importer, you can appoint LAUS to be your Only Representative (OR) in the UK.

Contact us now!

#LAUSgroup #DUIN #ukREACH #OnlyRepresentative

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Analytical Services for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection Products

LAUS can support you with the analytical work for agrochemical trials:

  • Method development
  • Method validation acc. SANTE/2020/12830
  • Independent laboratory validation ILV
  • Stability of pesticide residues in stored commodities
  • 5-batch analyses

We can for example supplement your

  • Residues studies
  • Dislodgable foliar residue studies (DFR trials)
  • And more

All work will be carried out using the newest state-of-the-art technologies and according to the principles of Good Laboratory Practice.

#LAUSgroup #analyticalexperts #agrochemicals #residuestudies

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Environmental Risk Assessment ERA

In case you need experimental endpoints for the Environmental Risk Assessment of your API in medicinal products either for human use or for veterinary use, we can support you:

  • Physico-chemical properties
  • Fate properties
  • Aquatic toxicity
  • Functioning of STP (sewage treatment plant)
  • Sediment toxicity

As described in EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4447/00 Rev. 1, respectively CVMP/ERA/418282/2005-Ref.1



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Biocide Congress in Lyon

LAUS will be participating in the Online Edition of the Biocide Congress in Lyon, Wed., Oct 6 to Thur., Oct. 7 2021.
Come and visit our virtual booth or contact us directly!

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ECHA draft decision requirements: LAUS can help!

Have you received an ECHA draft decision based on Article 41 of REGULATION (EC) No 1907/2006? Are you required to submit additional information to bring your registration into compliance?

Let us support you! We are experienced in delivering the experimental endpoints in accordance with all requirements specified by the Agency. Whether you need a chronic study like OECD 211 (Daphnia reprotox) or you have a tricky substance, our experts will be there to find a solution.

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LAUS can be your OR (Only Representative) in UK!

The transition period of 300 days after Brexit will end soon. All non-GB manufacturer, formulator, or supplier who want to maintain access to the GB market have time until 28 October 2021.

If you have neither a GB subsidiary nor an GB partner to assume the obligations as importer, you can appoint LAUS to be your Only Representative (OR) in the UK.

Don’t hesitate too long. Contact us!

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REACH Substance Identity for Gases

Gas analysis for REACH Substance Identity/ Sameness:

  1. IR with ATR using gas cuvette
  2. UV-Vis using gas cuvette
  3. GC-MS using gas syringe
  4. NMR gas tubes

With state-of-the-art technology and the highest precision LAUS delivers the best results!

#LAUSgroup #Gas #REACH #SubstanceIdentity #jointsubmission

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LAUS offers terrestrial studies for detecting effects on ecosystems!

Terrestrial ecotoxicity studies of substances are of great importance because effects on target as well as on non-target organisms in the environmental compartment `soil` can be analysed and evaluated.


In the field of terrestrial toxicity LAUS covers:

  • OECD 207: Earthworm: Acute Toxicity Tests (Eisenia andrei)
  • OECD 222: Earthworm Reproduction Test (Eisenia andrei)
  • OECD 225: Sediment-Water Lumbriculus Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment
  • OECD 218: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment
  • OECD 219: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Test Using Spiked Water
  • OECD 216: Soil Microorganisms: Nitrogen Transformation Test
  • OECD 217: Soil Microorganisms: Carbon Transformation Test


#LAUSgroup #ERA #EMA #pharmaceuticals #REACH

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Brexit transition period ends on 28 October 2021!

For all non-GB manufacturer, formulator, or supplier who want to maintain access to the GB market after Brexit the transition period to file a a DUIN (downstream user import notification) under Article 127E of the statutory instrument (SI) will end 28 October 2021. After that, companies have 2, 4 or 6 years for the full registrations of their substances to be completed, depending on tonnage band and hazard profile.

Are you affected? Contact us for more information.

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German Water Hazard Classification: Wassergefährdungsklassen WGK

LAUS offers all required studies that lead to the appropriate classification according to German federal water act (AwSV), April 18, 2017:

  • Acute toxicity on algae, Daphnia, (fish)
  • Biodegradability
  • Bioaccumulation potential logPOW
  • Water solubility

#LAUS group #WGK #Waterhazard

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Wood preservatives require testing to make them safe to use

Wood preservatives are biocides. The active substance and the formulation require testing to make sure the product is safe to use with respect to human health and the environment.

LAUS could support you with:

  • Stability studies
  • Chemical analyses/5-batch
  • Physico-chemical properties
  • Aquatic toxicology
  • Environmental fate
  • In vitro toxicology

#LAUSgroup #woodpreservatives #biocides

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Detergents Testing

Detergents, home care and industrial & institutional cleaning products require testing to ensure the safety of the environment and human health. There are different frameworks to comply with:

  • Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents
  • EU Ecolabel
  • Wasch- und Reinigungsmittelgesetz
  • EPA’s Safer Choice Program / CleanGredients

LAUS offers the required experimental endpoints:

  • Ready Biodegradability
  • Aquatic studies
  • In vitro Eye and Skin testing
  • Mutagenicity

#LAUSgroup #EUecolabel #SaferChoice #Detergents

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LAUS Fluthilfe - this year's charitable donation

In view of the tragic flood disaster in the Ahr valley, we have decided to make our charitable donation this year not just for Christmas, but immediately and as directly as possible. We support our local fire brigade association, which helps directly in one of the affected communities, Mayschoss, and thus purchases urgently needed items. In case you want to join: VR-Bank Südpfalz, Feuerwehrverein Neustadt-Süd, Purpose: Hochwasserhilfe Mayschoß, IBAN: DE40 5486 2500 0106 7210 36

Angesichts der tragischen Flutkatastrophe im Ahrtal haben wir uns entschlossen, unsere diesjährige caritative Spende nicht erst zu Weihnachten, sondern umgehend und so direkt wie möglich zu tätigen. Wir unterstützen den Feuerwehrverein Neustadt-Süd, der direkt in einer der betroffenen Gemeinden, Mayschoß, hilft und damit dringend benötigte Gegenstände anschafft. Falls Sie sich anschließen möchten: VR-Bank Südpfalz, Feuerwehrverein Neustadt-Süd, Verwendungszweck: Hochwasserhilfe Mayschoß, IBAN: DE40 5486 2500 0106 7210 36 #LAUSgroup #Mayschoß

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More capacities for Ready Biodegradability studies acc. OECD 301 A, B, D, F, 310

We have doubled our capacities for Ready Biodegradability testing to be able to offer better timelines despite the high demand we are currently experiencing. In the picture you see the brand new Oxitop respirometers for electronically monitoring the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) during the aerobic biodegradability study according to OECD 301F.

We test:

  • Cosmetic products and ingredients
  • Detergents, cleaning and laundry products
  • Chemicals
  • For Water Hazard Classification
  • Polymers
  • Lubricants
  • And many more

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EPA's List of NAMs

EPA´s List of NAMs helps to reduce and replace vertebrate animal testing

EPA’s 2021 updated List of Alternative Test Methods and Strategies (or New Approach Methodologies [NAMs]) per TSCA Section 4(h)(2)(C) includes

  • updates and corrections to OECD TGs on June 26, 2020
  • few changes to the List

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Virtual Booth


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Your trusted Partner
for regulatory
compliance testing