Small enough to care and big enough to deliver



Biodegradability: very good timelines!

At the moment LAUS can offer very good timelines for Biodegradability testing. Based on our extensive experience in this area we have streamlined our processes and increased our capacities. Contact us today!

#LAUSgroup #Biodegradability #GLP #Biodegradation


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LAUS testing ABC: M for “Moly” and “Micronucleus”

The Mouse Lymphoma Assay acc. to OECD 490 (short “Moly”) and the Micronucleus Assay acc. to OECD 487 are both in vitro studies to evaluate the mutagenicity/genotoxicity induced by chemical substances.

OECD 490: In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Tests Using the Thymidine Kinase Gene

  • detection of gene mutations
  • test system: mouse lymphocytes (L5178Y TK+/- clone (3.7.2C))

OECD 487: In Vitro Mammalian Cell Micronucleus Test

  • detection of micronuclei in the cytoplasm of interphase cells
  • test system: human lymphocytes freshly obtained by venipuncture

We have increased our capacities and can offer good timelines!

#LAUSgroup #mutagenicity #Moly #Micronucleus

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We Welcome Our New Team Members

We are more than happy to announce that we were able to fill 7 open positions with highly qualified personnel, both from intern and extern:

  • study directors in vitro toxicology (2)
  • study director ecotoxicology
  • technician analytical chemistry
  • technicians physico-chemistry (2)
  • technicians in vitro toxicology (2)
  • internship/master’s thesis ecotoxicology

They will strengthen our team starting in the first months of 2023. Welcome everyone!

#LAUSgroup #welcome

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OECD 497: Defined Approaches (DAs) on Skin Sensitisation

OECD 497 provides Defined Approaches (DAs) for Skin Sensitisation assessment. It allows the Hazard Potential Identification (skin sensitiser / non-sensitiser) and GHS Classification into Potency subcategories 1A and 1B (H317) without animal tests.

Multiple information sources are taken into consideration to come to a conclusion:

In chemico test data (OECD 442C DPRA)

In vitro study data (OECD 442D KeratinoSens, OECD 442E h-CLAT)

In silico predictions (QSAR, DEREK Nexus)


Contact us for more information!

#LAUSgroup #OECD497 #invitrosensitisation #animalfree #NAM #skinsensitisation #H317

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Health and Happyness for 2023!

An Automated External Defibrillator(AED) can save lives and it is much easier to use than you would expect. Since this is a matter close to our heart, in the context of the biannual safety check we had a briefing and demonstration of LAUS’ AED. Not only First Aiders could participate, but everyone interested was welcome to see how easy it could be operated. Luckily we yet have not had a situation where we needed it, but this training will hopefully encourage people to act where needed.

We hope you had a good start into the New Year and in this context we wish you Health and Happiness for 2023!

#LAUSgroup #AED #HappyNewYear

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Viscosity of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids

For the determination of the viscosity of liquids acc. to OECD 114 we now have two options:

- falling sphere viscometer (acc. to Höppler) in a range between 0,6 – 70.000 mPa*s and

- rotational viscometer in a range between 3 – 1.000.000 mPa*s

This allows us to test Newtonian as well as Non-Newtonian fluids regarding dynamic viscosity and calculate the kinematic viscosity.

#LAUSgroup #viscosity #newtonianfluid #nonnewtonianfluid #GLP

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New requirements for corrosion to metals testing on biocides

TAB APCP ver 3.0 states that testing on corrosion to metals shall follow the UN Test C.1 AND it must be guaranteed that the content of the active substance throughout the test is kept stable, thus the composition should be checked/analysed throughout the test or at least at the end of the test.

If you are affected, contact us to discuss an individual strategy for testing your biocidal product.

Technical Agreements for Biocides

Analytical Methods, PhysicoChemical Properties and Physical Hazards (APCP)

Version 3.0, September 2022

#LAUSgroup #biocides #metalcorrosion

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Deadline for product authorization of DDAC in PT 1 and PT2

The deadline for applying for product authorization for the active substance DDAC in biocidal products of PT 1 and 2 is 01 February 2024. Good to know that LAUS has already experience with the analytical determination of quaternary ammonium compounds like DDAC. Contact us for more information.


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You want to establish a new supply chain and need a Sameness analysis for REACH?

Due to the geopolitical situation there are numerous bottlenecks in the supply chains of many companies. If you have identified a new, alternative supplier for your chemical, who has not imported into the EU yet, you need to make sure that you act in compliance with the EU chemicals regulation, REACH. You will need a Sameness analysis to proof the substance identity of the chemical to include your supplier in the respective REACH dossier. LAUS has extensive experience with Sameness analyses and could deliver reports within a few weeks’ time.

#LAUSgroup #supplychain #supplier #sameness

issolution #metal #metalcompounds

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Transformation Dissolution Testing acc. to OECD GD 29 (T/D)

The rate and extent to which metals and sparingly soluble metal compounds can produce soluble available ionic and other metal-bearing species in aqueous media is determined in the Transformation/Dissolution study under a set of standard laboratory conditions. LAUS has many years of experience with the performance of this study according to OECD GD 29 under GLP. Contact us for more information!

#LAUSgroup #TransDis #T/D #TransformationDissolution #metal #metalcompounds

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Our „Travel Gas Cylinder” picks up your sample

Clients who need analyses or experimental endpoints of a gaseous substance often have a problem with sample shipment. LAUS now has a „Travel Gas Cylinder”. This container can be shipped to pick-up your sample and has two major advantages:

  • It has a good size for a reasonable amount of sample.
  • It is equipped with the exact valve we can use in our system.

Talk to us if you are planning to test a gas, and we could discuss the requirements!

#LAUSgroup #gas #testing

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Your trusted Partner
for regulatory
compliance testing