Small enough to care and big enough to deliver



V for Vapour Pressure

LAUS testing ABC:

V for Vapour Pressure

LAUS is the leading GLP lab for the determination of the Vapour Pressure using the Effusion Method (Knudsen Cell) according to OECD 104 / EU A.4. We are able to measure vapour pressures as low as 10E-12 Pa.

This method is based on the estimation of the mass of test substance flowing out per unit of time of a Knudsen cell under ultra-vacuum conditions. The mass of effused vapour is then being obtained by weighing the cell. Data are being collected between 30 – 150 °C, values for 20 and 25 °C are being calculated.

By operating two custom produced measuring apparatuses in parallel we have very high capacities and minimum delays. With more than 20 years of experience, we offer our advice even for difficult substances.

The Vapour Pressure is a key physico-chemical parameter for the assessment of a substance. It provides an indication of the evaporation rate and relates to the tendency of particles to escape from the liquid or solid phase. A substance with a high vapor pressure at room temperature is considered as volatile.

Contact us for more information.

#LAUSgroup #vapourpressure #Knudsencell #effusionmethod

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Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter!

With this beautiful view of the spring landscape in front of our lab building we would like to wish you some relaxing days over Easter!

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ECHA draft decisions

According to its “Progress in evaluation 2021” report ECHA performed 300 full compliance checks (CCHs) and 227 testing proposal examinations (TPEs) and issued 467 draft decisions: 280 on the abovementioned compliance checks and  187 on testing proposal examinations. That means 93% of dossiers require additional information.

Number of requests in 278 compliance check decisions:

  • Mutagenicity/Genotoxicity 260
  • Long-term aquatic toxicity 344
  • Physico-chemical properties 60

Number of requests in 165 testing proposal decisions 79/41/8

  • Mutagenicity/Genotoxicity 79
  • Long-term aquatic toxicity 41
  • Physico-chemical properties 8

LAUS has a great team with particular expertise in these areas and a lot of experience with difficult substances. If you are concerned and need additional data, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Baby food for Ukraine

LAUS stands with all who are suffering as a result of the conflict in Ukraine.

In an effort to provide for the smallest and most vulnerable in this humanitarian catastrophe we send baby food to Ukraine. Thank you to Frank Hüsken for taking action and offering transport of donations in kind.

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Wir bilden aus! LAUS is committed to junior staff development

We want to ensure a sustainable junior staff development.

LAUS is certified by IHK (Industrie- und Handelskammer) to provide dual vocational training in cooperation with vocational schools.

#LAUSgroup #wirbildenaus #IHK

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You urgently need results for in vitro skin and eye studies?

After a challenging time with supply bottlenecks and special working schedules to reduce the risk of infection we can now offer very attractive timelines for in vitro skin and eye studies.

  • OECD 492 eye irritation
  • OECD 437 eye corrosion
  • OECD 431/435 skin corrosion
  • OECD 439 skin irritation
  • OECD 442 C, D, E skin sensitization

Contact us for more information.

#LAUSgroup #invitro #GLP

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LAUS sponsors fencing to support an active lifestyle.

It is important to us to support an active lifestyle. That's why we sponsor fencing, here at the DFB qualification tournament on January 29th in Mainz. In times of a pandemic, these opportunities are very valuable, certainly considering all necessary protective measures.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Let us proof that your product is readily biodegradable!

The heart of Ready Biodegradability testing according to OECD 301F (Manometric Respirometry) is the OxiTop®- multi-parameter measuring device. It allows us to monitor the BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) during the study as a parameter for biodegradation.

LAUS has once more increased their capacities for Ready Biodegradability testing and invested in 50 new Oxi-Tops due to high demand.

#LAUSgroup #biodegradability #valentinesday #heart

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Zero-emission goal

Our company cars are all emission-free and supplied by our own energy source, the solar panels on the lab’s roof. We are proud to have reached the zero-emission goal for our fleet.

#LAUSgroup #zeroemission #companycars

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Test item storage

LAUS has added a cold room for the storage of test items and thus increased storage capacities by 20 m3. We are looking forward to receiving new orders and many more test items in 2022😉

#LAUSgroup #GLPtesting #CRO #walkinfridge

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Late DUIN not too late!

If you did not notify HSE and wish to continue to import EU REACH registered substances into Great Britain at or above one tonne per year, you can still submit a notification, if eligible to do so. You should do this as soon as possible. Defra has committed to exploring alternative arrangements for transitional registrations including extending deadlines to provide full registration data. Contact us for more information

#LAUSgroup #DUIN #Brexit #HSE

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Merry Christmas from your GLP lab

We wish you a merry Christmas and send our best wishes for 2022. May the new year bring health, happiness and success for you and your loved ones. A big Thank you to our customers for your loyalty in these challenging times! We look forward to hopefully meeting you again soon.

Your LAUS team

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Deadline for product authorization of ADBAC and DDAC PT 3 and 4

The deadline for applying for product authorization for the active substances ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16) and DDAC in biocidal products of PT 3 and 4 is 01 November 2022. Good to know that LAUS has already experience with the analytical determination of quaternary ammonium compounds like DDAC.

Contact us for more information.

#LAUSgroup #BPR #QUATs

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LAUS setzt ein Ausrufezeichen beim Fechtsport!

Im Zeichen der Corona-Krise sind besonders Hallensportarten von den Restriktionen betroffen. So sinnvoll hohe Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auch sind, so aufwändig ist es für Vereine, Wettkämpfe zu organisieren. Anlass für LAUS, auszuhelfen und zu unterstützen! Dietmar Kuhn von LAUS war es wichtig zu zeigen, dass zurzeit mit hohen Auflagen Sport in Rheinland-Pfalz möglich ist. – Mit Hilfe von LAUS konnten sich am 04./05.12.2021 in Mainz nicht nur Rheinland-Pfälzer, sondern Fechter aus fast dem gesamten Bundesgebiet zwischen Lütjensee und München zum Winter-Cup in Mainz versammeln. Der Winter-Cup in Mainz ist Teil einer Turnierserie, die von den Leistungszentren Nürnberg, Eislingen, Mainz und Künzelsau organisiert wird. Säbler*Innen in den Klassen U9 bis U17 konnten sich in ihren Altersklassen messen und so die Besten ausmachen. Zeigten sich die Gäste aus den anderen Bundesländern anfänglich verwundert, ob der klaren 2G+ Regeln, so überwog am Ende die Freude, dass Hallensport trotz Corona möglich ist. Angesichts der großen Begeisterung und dem allgemein hohen Niveau waren die Ergebnisse schon nahezu nebensächlich. Dennoch möchte LAUS den Rheinland-Pfälzischen Siegern aus Kaiserlautern (Silantyev/Aktive) und Mainz (Barth/U9, Larres/U17, Graudins/U17+Aktive) herzlichst gratulieren.

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Training measures

We value training measures and keep ourselves up to date!

The LAUS team values workshops and seminars to stay up to date in the regulatory areas connected with the testing we offer. This helps us to better understand our customer and to improve our service.

Martin Schaaf participated in two events in the course of this months:

  • BAUA EMKG – Onlineworkshop für Anwender
  • Fresenius Akademie: 12. Anwenderforum – Chemikalienrecht Aktuell – REACH und CLP im Fokus

If you need testing in connection with

  • CLP
  • declaration and classification of dangerous goods
  • water hazardous risk classes
  • endocrine disruptors
  • nanomaterials

Contact Martin directly:

#LAUSgroup #CLP #workshop

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Virtual Booth


Meet us virtually. In times where we can’t meet in person.

Click here for contact

Your trusted Partner
for regulatory
compliance testing