Physikalisch-chemische Prüfungen | UN-Methoden

Wir bieten Ihnen die UN-Methoden, welche im Rahmen der CLP-Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 und des Global Harmonisierten Systems (GHS) für die Kennzeichnung und Einstufung sowie für den Transport von Gefahrstoffen gefordert werden.
Norm | Beschreibung |
L.2 |
Sustained combustibility test |
N.1 |
Test method for readily combustible solids (Chapter 33.2)* |
N.2 |
Test method for pyrophoric solids (Chapter 33.3)* |
N.3 |
Test method for pyrophoric liquids (Chapter 33.3)* |
N.4 |
Test method for self-heating substances (Chapter 33.3)* |
N.5 |
Test method for substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases (Chapter 33.4)* |
O.1 |
Test for oxidizing solids (Chapter 34.4)* |
O.2 |
Test for oxidizing liquids (Chapter 34.4)* |
C.1 |
Metal Corrosivity (Chapter 37.4)* |
*UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Manual of Tests and Criteria (Fifth revised ed.), New York and Geneva: United Nations, 2009, ISBN 978-92-1-139135-0, ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5
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